New topic again!

Well, the topic changed once again. But now there are two topics : WYD Celebrities and Michael Jackson. To start off the week, I'll be talking about the WYD Celebrities.

WYD Celebrities. There are so many! GMs, CMs, Myzio, and all the higher level celestials! But, to make it even more interesting, I will firstly talk about a WYD celebrity that is really important in the economy of the game and that is a great friend of GMs and of BRs. Of course, I'm talking about Heron!

Who doesn't know our fantastic Heron, that great friend of GMs, which is always there to help us, as long as we pay the price for it, of course. Personnally, me or either of my friends have NEVER dealt anything with him. Which bring me to a question : How known is Heron? We don't see him often, but we see a lot of his shops, open 24/7 and hunting characters online that often. I asked someone I found about him, a brazilian. Here is what he knows about Heron.

So, to make it short, here is what I learnt. Firstly, Heron afk a bunch of chars 24/7, and has charo, CHAROLEIS and maybe more people helping him gather money. Also, he sells money and wcoins to BRs at double of the original price, which is ''allowed'' by GMs.

So, after this conversation, I decided to ask GMs about the legendary Heron. Since he is everywhere, they probably can't say they don't know who it is. In top of all, after I decided to visit his website, I found a phrase quite interesting :

Somos revendedores autorizado pelo GM do WYD Global.

Of course, you don't need to talk portugues to understand the meaning of the phrase, but to be sure of understanding it, I asked a friend which talk portugues. He told me that it meant that, actually, Heron is saying that the GMs ''let'' him sell gold, items and even more for cash. I decided to ask the GMs about it. My portugues friend told me that Heron had one or more than one GM friend, which was litterally giving him immunity from being banned from breaking a lot of the game rules. After posting Q&A, I had no answer. But not only for a few days, it now makes two months and a half that I posted this, and I still have no answer yet. Click on the picture to see it clearly.

Yeah, so, after this, I tried to get an interview with the GMs. Here is what it gave.

If you wonder about his prices, there they are :P. And if you don't trust me, please don't forget to check his official website which you probably seen on one of his 10-20 shops which are open 24/7 :

Wcoins (Cash)

Gold (Moeda do Jogo)
5k = R$ 20,00

20m = R$ 10,00
10k = R$ 39,00

45m = R$ 20,00
15k = R$58,00

70m = R$ 30,00
20k = R$ 77,00

95m = R$ 40,00
25k = R$ 96,00

120m = R$ 50,00
30k = R$ 115,00

145m = R$ 60,00

170m = R$ 70,00

195m = R$ 80,00

220m = R$ 90,00

250m = R$ 100,00

280m = R$ 110,00

310m = R$ 120,00

340m = R$ 130,00

370m = R$ 140,00

400m = R$ 150,00

430m = R$ 160,00

460m = R$ 170,00

490m = R$ 180,00

520m = R$ 190,00

550m = R$ 200,00

Of course, we are here talking about Real, and not US Dollars. One USD is worth R$ 2,80. But you must be wondering… how does he manage to make SUCH big deals? Where does all those million golds come from? For that we outta know a bit of WYD story. Have you ever wondered why are there so many BRs in the Global server, since there is a WYD BR? Most of them cant speak English, the skills, the patches, the events are different and they totally ignore those differences because they cant understand English, they cant buy cash from wydglobal site, they cant have a communication with GMs because most of the GMs only speak English in game. Of course a lot changed now, there is Heron selling cash and there are the CSs that break the language walls between players and GMs.

But why did they choose to play Global a while ago when there were no CSs or Why that choice when theres a BR server with BR GMs, BR official cash and Portuguese speaking players?

A Brazilian friend told me about it. You can do your own research, ask amongst BR players about BR servers such as Alastar, most of them have some day played there. BRs don’t play there simply because it is impossible to play fair! Because to buy cash there is a total waste of money! Because the servers are full of hackers, dupers (players who manage to duplicate items usually through a certain weekly maintenance bug) and cheaters.

Pay attention: This is not MY statement, but what you can hear from BRs all around

But you know what brought the complete downfall of the BR servers economics? Guess who? Guess who used to spam and entitle his 10 shops around armia with “TROCO ITENS ALASTAR POR ITENS GLOBAL” (trade items Alastar [a BR server] for Global items) or “DOU ITENS ALASTAR, QUERO ITENS GLOBAL” (I give Alastar items, I want Global items)?

EXACTLY!!! He destroyed the economics on WYD BR and went to Global to keep making real money profits.

I also asked Heron to have a few screenshots of his strongest chars, as long as a small conversation with him, which he refused to give me. He doesn't talk much with people he doesn't know, or with people that doesn't speak portugues.

But, the fact that GMs don't allow Heron to sell WCoins is quite interesting since they do know for a while that he actually IS selling WCoins and money, as well as afking a bunch of characters 24/7.

Here is one of his shops. You can find between 3 to 10 of them in the strategic points of armia, anytime.

Thanks for reading my post about the legendary Heron!

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