
Interesting topic this week, even though it's kind of surprise to me. Appreciation that's it? Nothing else? Appreciation about what? There is so much to say about WYD, and I didn't know where to start when I saw that topic. Though, I remembered a phrase I've heard somewhere : If you don't know where to start, start by the beginning. Amazingly simple, but often helps enough. So to start off this post, I'll be talking about the real beginning of WYD, and even BEFORE it, in SD, how everything was.

When I firstly downloaded SD, it took me hours to download and install it. It was already late in the evening when I had it, and I didn't have time to play much. As soon as I made my character (Anas†Hunter†), someone brought me into a duel N. I didn't know what it was, and the last vision of that game was a big castle, with hundred of monsters in rooms which killed me. Not a great beginning, and I thought that if the game was only a succession of rooms with monsters to kill, it didn't worthed playing. Then I went in my bed to sleep, a sleep without dreams, as usual.

The day after, I seen the SD icon on my desktop, and remembered I downloaded that game. At that time, I left diablo because it was too easy, and I was bored of Warcraft, so I was seeking for a good free MMORPG to play. Finally, I decided that Malaysian Supreme Destiny worthed a try, and I never regretted it after. First time I played, I was completly lost. I looked for the first quest for 30 minutes, going through entire armia field before realizing it was just in front of me, lol!

If some people have never played the old Supreme Destiny, the quests were way longer, and could only take you to level 256. Past that level, you had to do incredible amounts of waters or duels to manage to get at least level 300 to make a god. The Duel letters were easier, and you could get a powder from the boss. But, even more than the gameplay, the most amazing thing was the community in SD Malay. Here, I am talking about years ago, not a few time before WYD Global was out. Wherever you were going, there was always someone to help you out, to support you during quests, etc. The gameplay wasn't that enjoyable, because it was really long and tough, but still the community made the game incredibly enjoyable, and it's what made me play. Then, Supreme Destiny changed into WYD, and with that change, a wave of new players, which were mostly hackers and scammers, came to our good old SD. The game slowly lost all its interest to me, since what was keeping me playing was mostly the enjoyable community, which slowly turned totally hateable. So I stopped for a while, a really long while, before deciding to check WYD Global. I only played a bit, trained a beastmaster, and started hunting when I really got bored of it, since it was too much a hassle to get strong without buying WCoins.

But what I didn't know at that time was that my biggest mistake when playing WYD was the fact that I wasn't getting the fun of it, focusing too much on making money, I was actually forgetting to have fun playing the game, which made me leave the game for a few months.

A while after, a friend told me he was playing WYD Global, and I got interested. When he started to talk to me about the guild wars, the seige, the quest system, the incredible answering speed of the GMs, the PK system, I started to fall in love with WYD Global (again). So, I restarted playing. Hopefully, Beastmaker was still alive, and I had a few items and money on it, enough to restart a PK char, which I could train along with my friend. We fastly became really strong PK characters, and started making a lot of friends (and enemies haha) both at quest, academy and in PK arena. Soonly, I restarted getting a lot of fun playing the game, but when I reached level 351, there was a problem. I couldn't level up anymore, I was stuck at that level. The only solution was to hunt, and I really didn't wanted to hunt after seeing all the fun I could get PKing and hanging with friends and academy. But soon enough, my friend also got money problems, so we decided to help eachother, and with my beastmaster, we hunted DS.

This is how I rediscovered WYD Global. It was a mistake from me to forget about this game, because it was one of the best I had ever seen. Even though the graphics aren't as good as games such as WoW, this game still is a great one for a free MMORPG, and its OUR WYD, I won't ever leave it.

Firstly, the guild system is awesomely built. The fact that every town gets attacked at the same time is a great thing, since you then have to plan everything. But, to make it even more complicated, Erion can only get attacked by mortals, while only gods can attack Azran, and celestial gods are free to raid Snowfield. Armia is a town for everyone, since its the most wanted town. And, after GW, the job isn't done. There still is Kingdom War, to prove you rule your server. Though, with all these, it can make enemies, and can lead people to do anything in order to win, so you HAVE to be careful.

But, how to make it harder then Guild Wars, what could make it even harder for the players? The GMs really got the best idea ever...

Firstly, the guild proved they could 1 vs 1 any other guild on the server by ruling the towns, so what about an all on 1? Everyone is accepted on the area of Kingdom Wars, which usually turns into Red vs Blue. Also, why not make this even harder? The guild leader that wants the control of Noatun, and of the server will need to stand up on the center of the magical altar for 5 minutes, while being attacked by all the guilds of the server, and maybe even guilds from other servers, since they also are allowed to participate in Kingdom Wars!! But, you're probably thinking, aren't they busy with their own KW? To solve this problem, only two servers per week does the Kingdom War. This way, the guilds of the two other servers can come and help either the defenders or the attackers of that server. All this makes an epic war that occurs only twice a month for a single server, so get ready for the most epic fight you'll ever see in WYD Global for the defence of the legendary Altar of Thor!

This is without forgetting our lovely GMs, which, even if it doesn't look like, I really appreciate in their job and how hard they put efforts into the game. They really do all they can to upgrade the game and make it enjoyable for everyone, even though sometimes they can concentrate their efforts on making the game enjoyable for WCoin buyers, they really help.

So, to end this post and the WYD blogging season III, here is what I have to say :

LOL! Just kidding, thanks for reading my blog everyone!

Good night, sweet dreams.

I can still remember that night, even over 5 years later...

That day, nothing special happened. I went, as usual, to all my classes, slept and didn't worked much during classes, and when I finally got home, just sat in front of computer and played or got on the web. But if the day was normal, the night was totally the opposite. Around the time of 10 PM, I went to my bed. I layed down there, looking at the ceiling, while dreaming and having my usual thinking and relax time.

I fastly fell asleep compared to my usual nights, only took about 30 minutes before the night took me into her dark and mystical depths, like the Death takes off a man from everything he hated, setting him free from all the world's hatred and sadness. All I could remember for the first night were some images flashing into my head, at the flash of light it seemed to me to see undefined images, just flashes of different colors. I knew they had a meaning, but everything happened so fastly, and I was so dizzy that nothing flashed to me at that time, and still now I can't remember them clearly enough to give a description of them. But what truly matters is the second part of the night. The parts were easily identifiable, since between them, I had a small moment where I actually had my full reason. In this moment, it was already 3:30 AM. Before I had the time to actually realize what time it was, I was sleeping.

The second part of that night, which actually was holding the second dream of my entire life between its hands, lasted 1 minute 14.5 seconds to me. The 74.5 happiest seconds of my life, if not the only ones where I actually was happy. It was one of the simplest dream someone could ever have, but it still stoned me, and touched me forever.

I was there, somehow standing in the middle of the dark, feeling compressed, like if the darkness themselves were trying to suffocate me. Even though it was just a dream, I couldn't yet realize it, and for a single second, a second that lasted days to me, i was watching myself slowly dying, suffocating. As soon as my last breathe was brutally took off me, at the last moment of that single second, the dream really started.

I was standing there, on a platform, while a fountain at my right was running as a waterfall, down through the other platforms, which the next one was about 4 meters down there. I couldn't count the number of platforms, since they were going until the skyline, which I could barely see. Looking around, I realized I wasn't in the nature, but in what looked like a amazingly big building. The ceiling was infinite, going so far that I didn't knew if the stars I could see were painted on the ceiling or actually real stars behind a glass ceiling. Then, I realized I was holding someones hand. I turned my head to see who's hand I was holding, and got stoned for a second. It was the prettiest girl I had ever seen of my life. For a second, my heart totally stopped beating. My brain was rushing, where was this, where am I, how did I get there? I was about to wake up when that angel directly coming for the heaven smiled to me. All my questionings went to void, and I smiled at my turn. The love emanates from all her body, and I immediately understood. How could I forget for half a second? Of course, it was my love, which I mysteriously couldn't remember the name. We both looked at the platform, 4 meters underneath, and jumped at the same time, still holding each other's hand.

The gravity was almost at zero, and we both knew it. We softly touched the ground, sharing that passion for the flight, mysterious activity which was reserved to birds. We repeated the jump again and again, for what could seem hours, but which only lasted 45 seconds. Then we arrived at the last platform already. I was at least 12 meters down. She was scared, and holded my hand harder. A simple look from me convinced her there was no danger. For about five seconds, we looked at each other, words being useless to express our love. There was enough to explain the world in her blue mirror-like eyes, which were shining like they never did before. Then, without stopping watching each other, we jumped. It lasted 10 whole seconds, where we were in the air, almost flying, and where she gave me a hug. We surprisingly touched the ground as softly as the past platforms, even though this one was 3 times higher. Finally reaching the bottom of the waterfall, we realized that the walls were ending here, and that a shiny forest was stretching beyond. In the waterfall, the life was present in every particle of water.
Fifity-six seconds were already gone in this mystical world.

After reaching the end of the platforms, we looked at each other. For a second and half, we were looking at each other. We got closer to each other. During that time, our hearts synchronized, our both brains made one. We were completing each other, both filling holes in the other, filling the hatred, the sadness by our own person, and for half a second, we reached the Utopian feeling state.
Fifty-seven seconds and a half already passed.

After this, we looked at each other. I couldn't know if I was actually looking at her, or looking at me from her eyes, and it didn't mattered at all. Our breathes were blending into one, creating pure energy between us two. The life was being created. For 5 seconds, which didn't lasted long enough to me, I admired her face. All I can remember five years later are her ocean blue eyes, where I was drown in love, as long as her smile which couldn't ever fade, and her pale soft skin, which I probably won't forget of my entire life. Then, I seen my hand (or was it hers? I couldn't make the difference) rise to try to attain her cheek. Two seconds passed while I was watching that hand, wishing it could touch her face, have the feeling of my hand touching her skin. Finally, it reached it. For half a second, I was actually touching her skin, having not only inner sensations, but one of my most realistic sense was used inside the dream
, as a summer breeze slowly cherishes you in moments where you'd never thought it could. Then, the unavoidable happened. Our mouths got closer, and we kissed for 4 seconds, which, in another dimension, probably reached years, if not centuries. Then, I got pulled off this Utopian dream, and for half a second, I cried, enough to wake up every single living thing in this universe.

I woke up in a total silence. For a fraction of second, I wished I could actually die, I thought that I couldn't live in this world without living this every single moment of my life. This dream acted like a drug, and totally addicted me, making me dependant of that incredible feeling, which I never thought could be possible. Then, I looked at the truth : it was only a dream. This untameable logic inside me took power once again, and I realized that if I could actually feel these things in my dreams, it meant that the brain could possibly generate such intense feelings, and that it could eventually restart someday.

Now, the only thing that keeps me alive is that dream. Because if the world, if the life can offer such feelings, I can't just end it that soon. Even though this world isn't going anywhere else then to the self-destruction, even though the ignorance is ruling the world more then it have ever done before, I am too lazy to act and help people to see the things as they are, to stop dreaming. I am now 14 years old, this dream happened when I was 9. My understanding of this world, my wisdom and intelligence surely isn't perfect, or even close to it, but is over the general people. I have only yet met 2 other people which wisdom and intelligence, as well as their feelings, touched me. That day was the last day of my life I had cried, as well as dreamt.

With the time, the face of that divine angel faded in my head. All I can now remember of her are her blue mirror-like eyes, as long as her never fading smile. Her nose, eyebrows, hairs, everything got destroyed with the time, the desert's wind removing any traces of its path there.

Your world surely is same as mine, but my world is the opposite of yours. I wish that I could actually write this in french, since I could express myself easier, but the English is the general language and I have to get used to it.

Thanks for reading my blog, and good night, but most important of all, sweet dreams.

Worlds Unbroken.
(If you want to see this video in high quality, please head to this link. Requires QuickTime)

I'm afraid it's been too long to try to find the reasons why
I let my world close in around a smaller patch of fading sky
But now I've grown beyond the walls to where I've never been
And it's still winter in my wonderland

I'm waiting for the world to fall
I'm waiting for the scene to change
I'm waiting when the colors come
I'm waiting to let my world come undone

I close my eyes and try to see the world unbroken underneath
The farther off and already it just might make the life I lead
A little more than make-believe when all my skies are painted blue
And the clouds don't ever change the shape of who I am to You

I'm waiting for the world to fall
I'm waiting for the scene to change
I'm waiting when the colors come
I'm waiting to let my world come undone
When I catch the light of falling stars my view is changing me
My view is changing me

I'm waiting...

Thanks to Sierra Lorna and the Dark Moon studios for the most amazing AMV I have ever seen.

Infernal Affairs

Probably as everyone, I've been surprised of the subject. This probably is the toughest subject that the CM found, and kept it for the end. Though, in order to win the weekly prize, we HAVE to push our limits and make better then what anyone could ever imagine. So, in this post, I will be totally honest, and I will be glad to tell everyone what I think, especially since it's my last post, for this season at least.

So, infernal affairs, what does it means? Googling it wasn't a good idea, because this is an interpretation theme and most of the google pages of it are about a movie. I won't talk about the movie because it wouldn't worth anything for a post, and someone **cough cough** Besty/uno/kakorate **cough cough** would probably do it. Then I thought that Googling wasn't a good idea, because the posts should come from you, and not be stolen from another person. So I started thinking of what could possibly mean infernal affairs. After thinking for a while, I came up to the conclusion that it could possibly mean two things. Either it was about some infernal forgotten creatures of WYD planning something or having things to do (stupid idea lol!), or maybe it was just a way to say how hard the affairs, the job and what GM's, CM, OPs and CS have to do everyday. So, since this is also the last week of this season, it'll be what I'll be talking about.

So firstly, the GMs. What is their job? Prolly most of the people reading this blog (but the CM of course) are wondering about what the GMs actually do. I decided to get try to get an interview, but once again, there was the answer.

I firstly wasn't surprised, because the GMs have a lot of work, don't they? But WHAT is this work, I had to go farther into it. But, as I was about to answer, I found out a nice screenshot.

Hmm interesting thing. So GMs don't have the time for some people, while for other people, they have plenty time to sit down and talk. Strange thing... But what in the world was that difference from the players that would make GMs like them more then others? After looking at the majority of the people that could hang with GMs/CMs, the answer was kinda obvious : WCoins buyers.

So this is it. Unless you pay the price for it, you won't ever be close to GMs? It is kind of unfair, isn't it? But finally, their job isn't that hard, when you think about it. They just answer to Q&As at their shift, hold the usual events (just summon people for BoN or monsters for generals), and the rest of the time hang up in GMs land, or try to upgrade the game. They also seek for ''hackers'', but, when you think about it, how come Heron was selling WCoins for years, and never got banned or even caught? Why does everyone multi loggin while it isn't allowed? Why does the WCoin buyers hack and rarely get banned? Because some (if not most) of the GMs are corrupted, or close to it. They prefer keeping their money to make the game more fair for everyone. So... Yeah, their job is Infernal!

Now, what about the CMs?

Well, I should say CM now that all the others have turned into pancakes... Fairer then the GMs, they still barely appears to lower level players, or to non wcoin buyers. They mostly just hang with the high level celestials which aren't hunting or doing anything. Their job is to talk to people, and tell GMs about whats happenning in-game but... I barely see any of that.

If you actually want to know how most of the players feel, you shouldn't head into armia's guild place and talk to a top ranked guild leader, you should go to middle level quest and ask to newcomers or average players how they feel and how they like the game. But, let's not blame the CM, since the new one seems close enough to people, even though he is mostly close to celestials, it's getting better than before.

Now, what about the CSs? Let's join them with OPs, since there is only a small difference between these two. The CSs are there to break the language barrier preventing GMs to ''help'' the other nations. Their job is great, but hard. They have to help the people coming to them, master at least two languages, and while they do that, they should also remember to train and upgrade their real character, since they firstly are players.

And, as players, they started by being noobs, like everyone, this is why they deserve more respect, because they know how it feels to be a beginner. But even there, even if some of them can be generous, helpful and honest, there still are dumb***es everywhere.

Now let's move on to the last category, usually forgotten by everyone, the academy OPs. Their job isn't as big as the CMs or CSs, but it's still something. They have to help the beginners to train, by answering them, and taking them to waters, as long as recruiting them in the academy. This is a big part of the game, since without the new players, there probably wouldn't be WYD. But once again, even though some of them are cool, there are people that aren't.

So I would just like to thank everyone for their infernal job and keep it going, because even if it's a tough thing to handle, it helps the game a lot! And to end, I would just like to thank these players, which are to me the fairest and most honest players I have ever met, or that has the best reputation of WYD.

Thanks to dumptires, WisdomFK, Equaliser, TheFirstHero, XSPELL, DarkItachi, Splendore, and finally, last but not least, Beastmaker.

Thanks for reading my blog, and sorry if I forgot anyone in the list up there.

Don't forget to visit the CS's forums.
Don't be mean kitty!

New topic again!

Well, the topic changed once again. But now there are two topics : WYD Celebrities and Michael Jackson. To start off the week, I'll be talking about the WYD Celebrities.

WYD Celebrities. There are so many! GMs, CMs, Myzio, and all the higher level celestials! But, to make it even more interesting, I will firstly talk about a WYD celebrity that is really important in the economy of the game and that is a great friend of GMs and of BRs. Of course, I'm talking about Heron!

Who doesn't know our fantastic Heron, that great friend of GMs, which is always there to help us, as long as we pay the price for it, of course. Personnally, me or either of my friends have NEVER dealt anything with him. Which bring me to a question : How known is Heron? We don't see him often, but we see a lot of his shops, open 24/7 and hunting characters online that often. I asked someone I found about him, a brazilian. Here is what he knows about Heron.

So, to make it short, here is what I learnt. Firstly, Heron afk a bunch of chars 24/7, and has charo, CHAROLEIS and maybe more people helping him gather money. Also, he sells money and wcoins to BRs at double of the original price, which is ''allowed'' by GMs.

So, after this conversation, I decided to ask GMs about the legendary Heron. Since he is everywhere, they probably can't say they don't know who it is. In top of all, after I decided to visit his website, I found a phrase quite interesting :

Somos revendedores autorizado pelo GM do WYD Global.

Of course, you don't need to talk portugues to understand the meaning of the phrase, but to be sure of understanding it, I asked a friend which talk portugues. He told me that it meant that, actually, Heron is saying that the GMs ''let'' him sell gold, items and even more for cash. I decided to ask the GMs about it. My portugues friend told me that Heron had one or more than one GM friend, which was litterally giving him immunity from being banned from breaking a lot of the game rules. After posting Q&A, I had no answer. But not only for a few days, it now makes two months and a half that I posted this, and I still have no answer yet. Click on the picture to see it clearly.

Yeah, so, after this, I tried to get an interview with the GMs. Here is what it gave.

If you wonder about his prices, there they are :P. And if you don't trust me, please don't forget to check his official website which you probably seen on one of his 10-20 shops which are open 24/7 :

Wcoins (Cash)

Gold (Moeda do Jogo)
5k = R$ 20,00

20m = R$ 10,00
10k = R$ 39,00

45m = R$ 20,00
15k = R$58,00

70m = R$ 30,00
20k = R$ 77,00

95m = R$ 40,00
25k = R$ 96,00

120m = R$ 50,00
30k = R$ 115,00

145m = R$ 60,00

170m = R$ 70,00

195m = R$ 80,00

220m = R$ 90,00

250m = R$ 100,00

280m = R$ 110,00

310m = R$ 120,00

340m = R$ 130,00

370m = R$ 140,00

400m = R$ 150,00

430m = R$ 160,00

460m = R$ 170,00

490m = R$ 180,00

520m = R$ 190,00

550m = R$ 200,00

Of course, we are here talking about Real, and not US Dollars. One USD is worth R$ 2,80. But you must be wondering… how does he manage to make SUCH big deals? Where does all those million golds come from? For that we outta know a bit of WYD story. Have you ever wondered why are there so many BRs in the Global server, since there is a WYD BR? Most of them cant speak English, the skills, the patches, the events are different and they totally ignore those differences because they cant understand English, they cant buy cash from wydglobal site, they cant have a communication with GMs because most of the GMs only speak English in game. Of course a lot changed now, there is Heron selling cash and there are the CSs that break the language walls between players and GMs.

But why did they choose to play Global a while ago when there were no CSs or Why that choice when theres a BR server with BR GMs, BR official cash and Portuguese speaking players?

A Brazilian friend told me about it. You can do your own research, ask amongst BR players about BR servers such as Alastar, most of them have some day played there. BRs don’t play there simply because it is impossible to play fair! Because to buy cash there is a total waste of money! Because the servers are full of hackers, dupers (players who manage to duplicate items usually through a certain weekly maintenance bug) and cheaters.

Pay attention: This is not MY statement, but what you can hear from BRs all around

But you know what brought the complete downfall of the BR servers economics? Guess who? Guess who used to spam and entitle his 10 shops around armia with “TROCO ITENS ALASTAR POR ITENS GLOBAL” (trade items Alastar [a BR server] for Global items) or “DOU ITENS ALASTAR, QUERO ITENS GLOBAL” (I give Alastar items, I want Global items)?

EXACTLY!!! He destroyed the economics on WYD BR and went to Global to keep making real money profits.

I also asked Heron to have a few screenshots of his strongest chars, as long as a small conversation with him, which he refused to give me. He doesn't talk much with people he doesn't know, or with people that doesn't speak portugues.

But, the fact that GMs don't allow Heron to sell WCoins is quite interesting since they do know for a while that he actually IS selling WCoins and money, as well as afking a bunch of characters 24/7.

Here is one of his shops. You can find between 3 to 10 of them in the strategic points of armia, anytime.

Thanks for reading my post about the legendary Heron!